
人教精通小学英语六年级下 Unit3 Revision Part1

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内容摘要:人教精通小学英语六年级上Unit 3Revision Part 1课本内容和课文MP3及辅导学习辅导RevisionFun story 趣味故事Read and act 读并表演The animals are having a meeting. 动物们有一个聚会。They are......

人教精通小学英语六年级下 Unit 3 Revision Part 1


人教精通小学英语六年级下_Unit3_Revision_Part1 图1


Fun story 趣味故事
Read and act 读并表演
The animals are having a meeting. 动物们有一个聚会。
They are talking about their holidays. 他们讨论他们的假期。
They want to travel around the world. 他们想周游世界。
The bear wants to see Big Ben. 熊想看大本钟。
He is going to London by plane. 他要坐飞机去伦敦。
The panda wants to enjoy herself at Disneyland. 熊猫想去迪士尼玩。
She is going to take a ship to America. 她要坐船去美国。
The elephant and the rabbit want to go to Australia. 大象和兔子想去澳大利亚。
They are going to see the Sydney Opera House. 他们要去看悉尼歌剧院。
Mimi asks Micky,"Where are we going?"  咪咪问米奇:“我们要去哪?”
Micky answers,"Let's go to Canada. Let's climb the CN Tower in Toronto." 米奇回答:“我们一起去加拿大吧。一起去多伦多爬电视塔吧。”
Mimi asks Micky, "How are we going there?" 咪咪问米奇:“你怎么去那的?”
Micky says, "We're going there by bike" Can they get there by bike? 米奇说:“我们要骑自行车去那吗?”他们能骑自行车到那吗?
